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It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.
Parilon Digital is an Edmonton-based Digital Marketing agency focused on Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Advertising, Digital Marketing Strategy and Web-Based Services.
We create campaigns that convert and keep converting.
© All rights reserved | 2025 Parilon Digital | Sitemap | Edmonton Web Design, Web Hosting, and SEO
It appears that an external party is falsely impersonating Parilon Digital, and we want to clarify that we are not associated with this entity in any way.
Please be advised that Parilon Digital does not conduct recruitment or offer employment through Telegram, WhatsApp, or similar platforms. As noted on our official contact page, we are not affiliated with this impersonating party, and we have taken steps to file a formal complaint with the appropriate authorities.
We strongly recommend that you report any communications from this entity through the relevant platform’s reporting mechanism to help prevent further fraudulent activity. Please also report any false websites on:
And just to confirm – our business is open as usual for any Digital Marketing inquiries!